SXSW 2013: Quantified Self

NPR: Morning Edition, 12 Mar 2013: “[Self-trackers] are incredible, disruptive pioneers in a space with long-standing consequences that will be able to help us find diseases and potentially save lives,” -Dr. Lisa Kennedy, The Most Talked About Tech and Culture Trends at SXSW Interactive
The Wall Street Journal, 12 Mar 2013: “Data is the next currency for health,” -Dr. Lisa Kennedy

SXSW 2013: Quantified Self2018-05-29T19:52:52+00:00

FUTUREMED 2013: The Future of Affordable Healthcare

“In a world of over 7B people, there are only 5 types of healthcare systems -the question we need to ask is why? We must find new ways to structure health care – a search that will have an incalculable impact on health status over the next 30 years. -Lisa Kennedy

FUTUREMED 2013: The Future of Affordable Healthcare2018-05-29T19:17:24+00:00

HIMSS Europe 2014 Closing Keynote: When is too much not Enough?

“Sensors everywhere, 1000 data points per person per second even today and 80% of all data unstructured but clinically meaningful: the Digital Bio Environmental Superconvergence is one of the biggest trends impacting healthcare over the next 20 years.
-Lisa Kennedy

HIMSS Europe 2014 Closing Keynote: When is too much not Enough?2018-05-29T19:07:20+00:00
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