Radar On – December 2018: HHS Proposal Could Reduce Costs but May Harm Patient Care

Radar On – December 2018: HHS Proposal Could Reduce Costs but May Harm Patient Care

“If the proposed changes to the protected classes are implemented, “the effect on patients and prescribers will be greater delay, less choice or options and more administrative/time costs to secure the treatments that are best for them individually,”

–Lisa Kennedy


Radar On – December 2018: HHS Proposal Could Reduce Costs but May Harm Patient Care2019-01-02T22:22:45+00:00

Radar On – October 2018: HHS Wants to See WACs in TV Ads

Radar On – October 2018: HHS Wants to See WACs in TV Ads

“Transparency in the prices of health care services is always a good thing — but finding the prices of drugs is generally easier for patients to find than other health care services that they get. More importantly, what patients are most interested in is what they personally will pay, and this ruling does not help them.” –Lisa Kennedy


Radar On – October 2018: HHS Wants to See WACs in TV Ads2019-01-02T22:23:21+00:00

Radar On – September 2018: CVS Will Exclude Certain Drugs Based on ICER Analyses of QALY

Radar On – September 2018: CVS Will Exclude Certain Drugs Based on ICER Analyses of QALY

“The question is how this will affect innovative drugs where there are fewer alternatives for patients. Any decision to use this approach needs to also be carefully evaluated in the context of how it could help or harm patients, which I’m sure CVS will do.…I can’t see a lot of benefits to this approach.”
–Lisa Kennedy


Radar On – September 2018: CVS Will Exclude Certain Drugs Based on ICER Analyses of QALY2019-01-02T22:24:26+00:00
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